Check out this weeks events happening in the Beloit Area.


Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Parmesan Roasted Kale
Soup: Tuscan
Drink: Lagunitas IPA, $3.50

Your Home for High School Sports is KD Country 94 and Z96.3 Wrestling Locker-Room Chats Tuesdays at 5:15 p..m: Beloit, Osborne, Smith Center. KD Country 94 & Girls & Boys Basketball Locker-Room Chats Wednesdays at 5:15 p.m.: Beloit, Osborne, Smith Center, Thunder Ridge Thursdays at 5:15 p.m.: St.John's/Tipton, Lakeside, Rock Hills, Sylvan-Lucas KD Country 94 & Monday, February 20th 7:30 p.m. KU at TCU Men's Basketball Z96.3 the Lake Tuesday, February 21st 5:50 p.m. Rock Hills at Osborne Girls & Boys Basketball Z96.3 the Lake & 5:50 p.m. Smith Center at Beloit Girls & Boys Basketball KD Country 94 & Live Video Stream at Friday, February 24th & Saturday, February 25th State Wrestling Reports KD Country 94 &
Friday, February 24th 5:50 p.m. Rock Hills at Lakeside Girls & Boys Sub-State Basketball KD Country 94 & 6:50 p.m. Frankfort at Osborne Boys Sub-State Basketball Z96.3 the Lake & Saturday, February 25th 2:30 p.m. West Virginia at KU Men's Basketball Z96.3 the Lake

Friday, February 24 - 4pm - 6pm Last Friday First Drink at Wholesale Liquor (Irish Drink Samples)
Wednesday, February 22 - Kettle Shrimp Boil 5pm - 8pm
Saturday, February 25 - Chamber Social and Member Appreciation Evening - members be sure to RSVP by February 21
Wednesday, March 1st - Spring Recruitment Hiring Event for Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems 4pm - 7pm at Down Under Ballroom 121 W South St, Beloit KS
Thursday, March 2nd - 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Community Luncheon at Boost Ministries
Tuesday, March 7 - Mitchell County Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge - Begins at 5:00 PM at Down Under Ballroom 121 W South St, Beloit KS
Wednesday, March 8 - Jake Gill live at Kettle 6pm - 8pm
Friday, March 10 - Solomon Valley Community Foundation Non-Profit Roundtable 11am - 1pm NCK Tech Conference Room
Friday, March 10 - Benefit Lunch and Bake Sale 11am -1 pm Beloit Municipal Building Hosted by Breast Friends Foundation
Saturday, March 11 - Make and Take Essential Oils Class 3pm-4pm Long Stem Gardens
Wednesday, March 15 - Kettle live music at 12 pm and 6pm - two showtimes for musicians Faith Kelly and Caswyn Moon
Tuesday, March 21 - Heart Choices Annual Spring Banquet 7:00 PM meal and guest speaker. RSVP by March 10
Friday, April 14 - Chamber Coffee hosted by Senior Life Enrichment Program through Mitch County Hospital Health Systems 9:00 AM at 421 W 9th St - Beloit KS
Friday, April 21 - Chamber Golf Classic at Beloit Country Club
Wednesday, April 26 - Kettle Live Matinee Music with Allie and I 6pm - 8pm