Check out this weeks events happening in the Beloit Area.

Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Monterey, Blackberry and Basil
Soup: Roasted Butternut
Drink: Firestone 805 Blonde Ale, $3.50

March 18th - 25th - Long Stem Garden Spring Sale
Monday, March 27 - Heart Choices Fundraiser at Beloit Pizza Hut 10:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 8 - Easter Egg Hunt City of Beloit Sports Complex Soccer Fields - ages up to 4th grade. Saturday Morning before Easter!
Saturday, April 8 - The 2023 Project Graduation Committee will be having a Bake Sale at the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8, 2023. It will take place from 10:00 a.m. until items are sold out. If you would like to contribute bake sale items, you can bring them to the City of Beloit Sports Complex where the Easter Egg Hunt is held by 9:30 a.m. on April 8th. If you're busy Saturday but would like to contribute, you can drop off bake sale items anytime Friday, April 7th at 501 N. Hersey on the 5th St. porch.
Friday, April 14 - Chamber Coffee hosted by Senior Life Enrichment Program through Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems 9:00 AM at 421 W 9th St - Beloit KS
Friday, April 14 - Stortz Stop 'N Shop Grand Opening and Chamber Ribbon Cutting at 2:00 PM - refreshments and door prizes. 129 S Mill, Glen Elder 67446
Friday, April 21 - Chamber Golf Classic at Beloit Country Club Tee Time at 11:00 AM, registration 10:00 AM. Patio Party to follow Golf Classic hosted by the Beloit Country Club.
Wednesday, April 26 - Kettle Live Matinee Music with Allie and I 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday, May 10 - Alexander Richard Live at Kettle 6pm - 8pm
Saturday May 27th - 10:00 AM Memorial Day Parade