Check out this weeks upcoming events in the Beloit Area.

Sept 16-22
Beast (R) 1 hr 33 min Liyabuya Gongo, Martin Munro, Daniel Hadebe Fri/Sat 7:30 & 9:30 Sun 2:30 & 7:30 Mon-Thurs 7:30 A father and his two teenage daughters find themselves hunted by a massive rogue lion intent on proving that the Savanna has but one apex predator.
The Invitation (PG13) 1 hr 45 min Nathalie Emmanuel, Thomas Doherty, Stephanie Corneliussen Fri/Sat 7:00 & 9:30 Sun 2:00 & 7:00 Mon-Thurs 7:00 A young woman is courted and swept off her feet, only to realize a gothic conspiracy is afoot.

Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Greek Chicken with Feta and Mozzarella
Drink: Blue Nun Riesling, $5/$18

2022 SVT’s Miles and Miles of Prizes Fundraiser Winners
Date Jewell County Mitchell County Osborne County
Sept. 5 Anne Ost Shelly Wilkison Dan Geist
Sept. 6 Neil Bouray Dean Schroeder Paul Reinert
Sept. 7 Cork Holle Larry White Karen Conway
Sept. 8 Sara Reiter Pat Isbell Nate & Shari Brown
Sept. 9 Sherry Partridge Franek/Zimmer Terry Zvolanek
Sept. 12 Keith Wineinger Sheila Lutgen Lori Byrd
Sept. 13 Mary Foley Leslie Shirack Marcus Betzold
Sept. 14 Sherri Jeffery Dallas & Linda Cox Larry & Robin Bales
Sept. 15 Thelma Shelton Gene & Kathy Pestinger Bonnie Tanis

Are you ready for one of the most epic nights at the BCC??? Well mark your calendar!! October 15th!!! Tickets are on sale now!!! All proceeds from this evening will benefit Clubhouse Renovations!! The evening will feature:
⭐️ Live Auction
⭐️ Silent Auction
⭐️ Wine Pull
⭐️ 50/50 Drawing
⭐️ Heads/Tails with an opportunity to win a membership.
⭐️ Social Hour with hors d’oeurves
⭐️ 3 course meal with each course paired with a wine/cocktail.
Tickets are $75 each and limited to 75 being sold. We hope you will join us in supporting this project!

Calendar Events:
Thursday, September 15 - 17, Given Grace Floral Fall Open House
Friday, September 16 - Chamber Coffee for MCHHS Senior Life Enrichment POSTPONED FOR A LATER DATE
Friday, September 16 Wall To Wall 10th Anniversary Sale!
Friday, September 16 - 10 am - 11:30 am Downtown Improvement Projects come and go event at the Kettle
Friday, September 23 - Jake Gill live at Down Under Bar
Saturday, September 24 - Millapalooza - Downtown Beloit
Sunday, September 25 - 8am - 1pm VFW Post 6242 will host Belgian Waffle Breakfast - minimum $10 donation welcome
Tuesday, September 27 - Info meeting about Gabel Farm Corner & Hopewell Church at Mitchell County Historical Society Museum 7:00 PM
Friday, September 30 - Karaoke Night at Down Under Bar
Saturday, October 1, 7pm-11pm Jaybirds Riverfront live band Soul Preachers. 2813 Izzy Trail and 280 Road off Highway 14, south of Beloit, off first curve.
Saturday, October 1 - Wakonda Indian Festival
Sunday, October 2 - Walk Run 4 Life - Heart Choices
Friday, October 7 - Co-Opportunity Day Community Picnic at Rolling Hills Electric Co-op
Friday, October 7 - Lazy Wayne Band - Down Under Bar
Saturday, October 15 - Evening Event Ghostly Storytelling at Glen Elder State Park, Kanza Playground
Saturday, October 15 -Putting on the Ritz Fundraising Gala - Beloit Country Club
Saturday, October 22 - Sip & Support, Solomon Valley Hospice
Friday, November 11 - Doc & The Disorder - Live at Down Under Bar
Saturday, November 19 - Pete Gile - Down Under Bar