Check out this weeks events happening in the Beloit Area.

Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Loaded Nachos
Soup: Cheesy Cauliflower
Drink: Dale's Pale Ale, $4

Tee - off at 11:00 AM. Registration at 10:00 AM. Patio Party by the Beloit Country Club to follow after Golf Classic.

Friday, March 17 - Becker Autos & Trailers Chamber Coffee 9:00 AM in Camper Shop
Tuesday, March 21 - Heart Choices Annual Spring Banquet 7:00 PM meal and guest speaker. RSVP by March 10
March 18th - 25th - Long Stem Garden Spring Sale
Wednesday, March 22 - Country Artist Henry Tice live at Kettle 6pm - 8pm
Friday, April 14 - Chamber Coffee hosted by Senior Life Enrichment Program through Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems 9:00 AM at 421 W 9th St - Beloit KS
Friday, April 21 - Chamber Golf Classic at Beloit Country Club Tee Time at 11:00 AM, registration 10:00 AM. Patio Party to follow Golf Classic hosted by the Beloit Country Club.
Wednesday, April 26 - Kettle Live Matinee Music with Allie and I 6pm - 8pm
Saturday May 27th - 10:00 AM Memorial Day Parade