See what events are happening in the Beloit Area.

Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Garlic Bread with Swiss
Soup: Lasagna
We will close at 11 am on Saturday, Dec. 30 and closed all day Monday, Jan. 1

Community Calendar
Wednesday November 1 - January 15 -Open Enrollment for Marketplace Health Insurance through Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems. Sign up for 2024 coverage and explore your options with certified application counselor, Connie Tyler. Service free of charge. Call 785-738-9202
Tuesday, December 26 - New Hours at Kettle Coffee. Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 2:00 pm. Saturday 8am - 2pm. Sunday Closed
Friday, December 29th - Last Friday, First Drink at Wholesale Liquor 4 - 6pm. 10% off all Champagne and Wine all day! Food & Drink samples Ma Ma C's Food Truck
Sunday, January 7 - Benefit Breakfast and Bake Sale 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM at Municipal Building in Beloit KS. Breakfast burritos and biscuits and gravy. To go boxes will be available. Bake sale items for benefit can be dropped off at Central National Bank and S&S Drug. Proceeds will be given to Charla Monty to help fight the battle of cancer. Online donations can be made at Hosted by Breast Friends Foundation.
Saturday, January 20 - Seth Cushing Live at Kettle 9AM - 11AM
Saturday, February 3 - Tom Pevear Live at Kettle 12 - 2 PM Tulsa Based Blues & Folk music
Wednesday, February 14 - Anna P.S. Live at Kettle from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Indie Folk Music