See what events are happening in the Beloit Area.

Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Spaghetti on Garlic Bread Grilled Cheese with Provolone and Parmesan
Kettle will be closed on Monday, September 4 for Labor Day

Aug 25 - 31 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (PG) 1 hr 39 min Micah Abbey, Shamon Brown Jr., Nicolas Cantu Fri/Sat 7:00 & 9:30 Sun 2:00 & 7:00 Mon-Thurs 7:00 The film follows the Turtle brothers as they work to earn the love of New York City while facing down an army of mutants Gran Turismo (PG13) 2 hr 15 min David Harbour, Orlando Bloom, Archie Madekwe Fri/Sat 7:30 Sun 2:30 & 7:30 Mon-Thurs 7:30 Based on the unbelievable, inspiring true story of a team of underdogs - a struggling, working-class gamer, a failed former race car driver, and an idealistic motorsport exec - who risk it all to take on the most elite sport in the world.

Community Calendar:
Friday, August 25 - Last Friday First Drink 4PM - 6PM Wholesale Liquor
Saturday, August 26 - Cruise the Blues Bike Race and Festival - go here for details:
Saturday, August 26 - Ace Hardware Parking Lot Sale 9AM - 3PM
Saturday, August 26 - St. John's Harvest Festival - go here for details:
Saturday, September 2nd - Bouquet Bar 9AM - 4PM at Long Stem Gardens - pick and build your own bouquet from farm fresh blooms!
September 2 - 4 - Glen Elder and Glen Elder State Park - Saturday Boat Poker Run, Bramdon Augustine Memorial Ride, Boat Parade, Sunday Golf Cart Dice Run, Monday James Davis Benefit Breakfast
Monday, September 4 - Benefit Breakfast and Bake Sale 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM Glen Elder Library, proceeds go to James Davis "Norman" to help fight the battle with cancer. Hosted by Breast Friends Foundation
Saturday, September 9 - Caswyn Moon and Faith Kelly live at Kettle from 12pm -2 pm
Wednesday, September 13 - Live Music at Kettle - A Night with Joe Reid 6:00PM - 8:00 PM at 100 S. Mill St, Beloit KS.
Saturday, September 23 - Save the Date! Fall Open House at Long Stem Garden!
Wednesday, September 27 - Fat Cat Freddie Rock N Blues at Kettle 6PM-8PM
Saturday, September 30 - Millapalooza - event information coming soon! Want to enter your car in the car show? Car Show Registration is up, go here:
Sunday, October 1 - Walk - Run 4 Life hosted by Heart Choices at Chautauqua Park at 3pm. Meal, door prizes, and entertainment.
Saturday, October 7 - 8th Annual Wakonda Indian Festival at Glen Elder State Park Osage Area 10AM - 5PM
Saturday, October 14 - Buck Creek live at Kettle 12pm - 2pm