See what events are happening in the Beloit Area.

Sept. 22 - 28 Blue Beetle (PG13) 2 hr 7 min Xolo Maridueña, Bruna Marquezine, Becky G Fri/Sat 7:00 & 9:30 Sun 2:00 & 7:00 Mon-Thurs 7:00 An alien scarab chooses Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host, bestowing the recent college graduate with a suit of armor that's capable of extraordinary powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Blue Beetle. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG13) 1 hr 32 min Fri/Sat 7:30 & 9:30 Sun 2:30 & 7:30 Mon-Thurs 7:30 After traveling to Greece for a family reunion, a woman attempts to locate her deceased father's childhood friends.

Kettle Specials: Grilled Cheese: Meatball Marinara with Provolone
Drink: Kona Big Wave Lager, $3.50
Open 8 am to 7 pm Saturday, September 30 for Millapalooza!

Your Home for High School Sports is KD Country 94 and Z96.3 Football Locker-Room Chats Wednesdays at 5:15 p.m.: Beloit, Osborne, Smith Center, Thunder Ridge Thursdays at 5:15 p.m.: St.John's/Tipton, Lakeside, Rock Hills KD Country 94 & Tuesday, September 19th 5 p.m. Beloit at Sacred Heart Volleyball Live Video Stream at Friday, September 22nd 5:40 p.m. Football Express (Preview Area Matchups) KD Country 94 & 6:30 p.m. Russell at Beloit Football Z96.3 the Lake & Live Video Stream at 6:30 p.m. Osborne at Lakeside Football KD Country 94 & 10:05 p.m. LOCAL High School Football Scoreboard Show KD Country 94 & Saturday, September 23rd 2 p.m. BYU at KU Z96.3 the Lake Sunday, September 24th 2 p.m. Bears at Chiefs Z96.3 the Lake

Community Calendar:
Saturday, September 23 - Fall Open House at Long Stem Garden! 10 AM - 4 PM Scavenger Hunt, Fall Photo Booth, Face Painting, Bouquet Bar! 2258 KS-14 Hwy Beloit KS.
Wednesday, September 27 - Fat Cat Freddie Rock N Blues at Kettle 6PM-8PM
Thursday, September 28- Chamber After Hours Event at Astra Healthcare and Wellness. Stop by and learn about what Astra Healthcare has to over. Have a snack, learn, and enter to win a raffle for a hydrafacial!
Saturday, September 30 - Millapalooza - event information coming soon! Want to enter your car in the car show? Car Show Registration is up, go here:
Sunday, October 1 - Walk - Run 4 Life hosted by Heart Choices at Chautauqua Park at 3pm. Meal, door prizes, and entertainment.
Tuesday, October 3 - Non-Profit Roundtable hosted by Mitchell County Community Foundation from 11am - 1 pm at Mitchell County Museum.
Friday, October 6 - Coopurtuity Day Community Picnic at Rolling Hills Electric Co-op 3075 US HWY 24, Beloit KS 11AM-1PM. The entire community is invited to join us for a free picnic! Come celebrate National Co-op Month with your local cooperative. Bring a food pantry item to donate.
Saturday, October 7 - 8th Annual Wakonda Indian Festival at Glen Elder State Park Osage Area 10AM - 5PM
Wednesday, October 11 - Pizza Night at Kettle from 5PM - 8PM
Thursday, October 12 and Friday Octover 13 - Beloit Community Blood Drive at NCk Wellness Center Gym at 3033 US HWY 24 Beloit KS. Thursday 12PM - 6PM, Friday 8:30 AM - 2PM
Saturday, October 14 - Buck Creek live at Kettle 12pm - 2pm
Friday, October 20 - Kirsten Jones Benefit Supper - free will donation. Begins at 6:00 PM at Beloit Trojan Football Stadium. Hosted by Breast Friends of Osborne and Mitchell Counties
Wednesday, October 25 - Halloween Trivia - prizes for best costume and trivia at Kettle 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday, November 8 - Allie & I Live at Kettle 6pm - 8pm
Friday, November 24- Kettle Black Friday Deals - 20% off special items - for every $25.00 purchased in gift cards, get a free $5 gift card.
Wednesday, December 18 - Seth Cushing Live At Kettles 6pm - 8pm